The Dark Crystal


urIm the Healer

To the eyes of urIm the Healer, the corona that had flared around the heads of the urSkeks still flickered over the urRu. His amulets, his baths, his acupuncture, were designed to restore balance to the corona. With his right hands he made patterns in the air to restore the fires of the soul; with his left hands he made patterns in water to reduce them. He knew the art of the death trance; all other music he neglected.

Text from:
Brian Froud, The World of the Dark Crystal [ISBN: 1 86205 624 2]
Henson Organization Publishing / Harry N. Abrams, New York 2003
Originally published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1982
The urRu march toward the Castle of the Crystal ... to their destiny
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